IGT achieves highest MSCI ESG rating of AAA

Updated:2024-03-30 08:27    Views:70

International Game Technology (IGT) has been awarded the highest MSCI ESG rating of AAA, according to the global rating agency.

This achievement is meant to highlight IGT's commitment to sustainability, showcasing a year-on-year increase in its ESG score.

MSCI ESG Ratings are designed to assess a company's ability to withstand long-term environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks. Companies are rated on a AAA-CCC scale relative to their industry, focusing on the most relevant ESG issues based on their business model.

Wendy Montgomery, IGT SVP, Marketing, Communications and Sustainability, stated: "IGT achieving the MSCI AAA ESG rating demonstrates our strong commitment to enhancing our company-wide sustainability results through our ongoing Sustainable Play initiatives.

"Sustainability is embedded throughout our daily operations as we focus on creating long-term value for our key stakeholders."

MSCI ESG Research, the entity behind the rating,Free games provides comprehensive research, ratings and analysis of environmental, social and governance practices globally.

These ratings are used in the construction of the MSCI ESG Indexes, offering insights for institutional investors to identify risks and opportunities.

In addition to this accomplishment, IGT has extended its commitment to the Virginia Lottery through a three-year contract extension, effective until October 2033. This extension, marking over two decades of collaboration, involves using IGT's latest technologies to upgrade the Virginia Lottery's central retail system.

Notable enhancements include the introduction of Retailer Pro S2 to replace 5,500 retailer terminals and the modernisation of the communications network to a cellular infrastructure. The upgrades aim to provide better technology and new gameplay features to the Virginia Lottery, with a planned go-live date of October 2025.

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